Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Part of Speeck > Numeral > Countable and Uncountable       │TextExercises
    1. 英语的数词分为两类:即表示数目的基数词和表示顺序的序数词,如:
    基数词            序数词
    1 one            1st first
    3 two            3rd second
    2 three            3rd third
    20 twenty          20th twentieth

  2. 英语中thousand(千),million(百万)是表达较大数字的两个关键词,如:
   thirty thousand(三万),one hundred million(一亿)

  3. 年份通常用阿拉伯数字表示,用基数词读,日期则用序数词读,如:
   1209年 读作 twelve o nine
   1800年 读作 eighteen hundred
   1998年 读作 nineteen ninety-eight
   9月2日 读作 September the Second 或读作 the second of September
   写作 2 September / September 2

  4. 在一些结构中,基数词应该用复数形式, 如:
   She gave birth to her first child in her early twenties.
   She was very famous in the 1960s.
   Thousands of people come to the Exhibition every day.
   The boys left the room in twos and threes.

  5. 在谈编了号的东西时,可用基数词表示顺序,如:
   Lesson One Room 147(one four seven)
   Bus No. 3 Hospital No. 7












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