Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Part of Speeck > Preposition > Genitive of Noun     │TextExercises
    Exercises:Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper preposition.
   1. Don't answer the question all once; answer them one by one.

  2. Red is usually associated danger.

  3. The Smiths are not disturbed the overhead planes because they have become accustomed them.

  4. First all, I'll tell you the importance of English study.

  5. He left home even saying good-bye to his mother.

  6. Their prompt actions prevented the fire spreading.

  7. Mary has been here 1990.

  8. My grandmother is not interested modern music. She is the times.

  9. the bad weather, the sports meet was postponed.

  10. the shortage of materials, their output has increased by five percent.











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