Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Modification > Pro-Form > Sentence / Clause Reference               │Exercises

  1. this, the following
   this 可指前面提到过的事物,也可指后面将提之事;the following 表示“下列,如下”,如:
   He said he would come some day. With this, he left the room.

  2. so, not
   a. 分句替代词 so 或 not 所替代的 that 分句常常有不确定的含义,所以常用于一些表示看法、意见的动词之后,如 be afraid, believe, expect, fear, guess, hope, suppose, imagine, say, tell, think 等,在能作转移否定的结构中,多用 I don't think so, I don't suppose so. 在表示明显肯定或者怀疑的简短反应中,通常不用 so 或 not ,如:
    —Do you think he will come tomorrow?
    —Yes, I think so.
    —No, I think not. (用 “No, I don't think so.” 更自然)
    —Are the girls going to the cinema?
    —I'm sure they are. (不说 “I'm sure so/not.”)
    —I doubt it. (不说 “I doubt so/not.”)

   b. so 或 not 可与 if 搭配,构成无动词条件分句 if so, if not,如:
    We are told that it's going to rain tomorrow. If so, we will stay at home; if not, we will go to visit the Great Wall.

   c. so 可以和某些表示说话的动词连用,而 not 通常不这样用,除非主语是作类指的人称代词,如:
    —How do you know that he's leaving soon?
    —He told me so.
    —You say the German will win the game?
    —All my friends say so.
    —Are the German a very strong team?
    —No, they say not.

   d. not 可与 perhaps, possibly, probably, certainly, surely 等表示情态的副词搭配,构成某些缩略句;not 还可与 why 搭配,构成缩略疑问句,如:
    —Is your sister going with you?
    —Perhaps not.
    —Will you waste your time and money on that?
    —Certainly not.
    —I did not stop him.
    —Why not?











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