Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Modification > Pro-Form > Sentence / Clause Reference            

  Directions: Choose the best answer

  1. Will you succeed in the experiment this time? 
A) I hope so.
B) I hope not.
C) I am sure so.
D) I doubt so.

  2. Is he going to France? 
A) I have been not told that.
B) I haven't been told.
C) I have been told so.
D) I have been told that.

  3. Does he really know her? 
A) Not surely.
B) Surely not.
C) So surely.
D) Surely so.

  4. Will you be staying another night? If so, we can give you a better room; ____, could you leave your room by 12:00? 
A) perhaps not
B) surely not
C) maybe not
D) if not

  5. Don't you think he is the best man for the job? 
A) No, I think so.
B) No, I don't think so.
C) Yes, I think not.
D) Yes, I don't think so.











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