Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Part of Speeck > Pronouns > Countable and Uncountable       │TextExercises

  Exercises:Directions: Choose the best answer.

   1. My father and mother are ____ interested in watching TV. 
    A) all
    B) both
    C) either
    D) each

  2. I'd like a ticket and Tom would like ____ too. 
    A) few
    B) both
    C) all
    D) one

  3. This problem is so difficult that ____ students know its answer. 
    A) few
    B) a few
    C) many
    D) much

  4. ____ of you will have a five-minute talk. So you have to prepare for the meeting. 
    A) Each
    B) Every
    C) Any
    D) Few

  5. These apples are not good. Show me some better ____ . 
    A) one
    B) ones
    C) other
    D) others

  6. I didn't choose any of the boxes, because I found ____ satisfactory. 
    A) neither of them
    B) either of them
    C) not one of them
    D) none of them












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