Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Part of Speeck > Verb > Countable and Uncountable       │TextExercises
    Exercises:Directions: Choose the best answer.

  1 You ____ pay the money, but you ____ do so at once. 
   A) needn't, must
   B) need, need
   C) must, must
   D) must, needn't

  2 Come and lend me a hand, ____? 
   A) do you
   B) will you
   C) can you
   D) shall you

  3 You ____ be hungry yet; you had a big cake only half an hour ago. 
   A) can not
   B) must not
   C) may not
   D) need not

  4 Dr. Jones, some students want to see you. ____ they wait here or outside? 
   A) Do
   B) Shall
   C) Will
   D) Would

  5 Your sister used to visit you quite often, ____? 
   A) wasn’t she
   B) wouldn’t she
   C) hadn’t she
   D) didn’t she

  6 Your brother hardly watches TV, ____? 
   A) does it
   B) doesn't it
   C) does he
   D) doesn't he











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