Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Tense>Infinitive>As Object           │TextExercises

Choose the best answer.

1) - Will Mary be going abroad this summer?
 - No, she finally decided _____. 
  A) not going
  B) not to
  C) not to be
  D) not to be going

2) He accepted the cut in salary without complaint because he feared _____. He was afraid of losing his job. 
  A) to have complained
  B) to be complained
  C) to complain
  D) be complained

3) Mr. Smith doesn't think _____ . 
  A) a good idea for Mary to go on a diet(节食)
  B) for Mary to go on a diet a good idea
  C) to go on a diet a good idea for Mary
  D) it a good idea for Mary to go on a diet

4) We hope _____ more opportunities to talk with native speakers. 
A) have
B) having
C) to have
D) to have had











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