Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Part of Speeck > Adjective > Countable and Uncountable       │TextExercises
    1. 有些形容词可用动词不定式短语作宾语。这类形容词主要有: afraid, anxious, curious, determined, eager, impatient, inclined, willing, unwilling, worthy等,如:
   She is anxious to please her guests.

  2. 有些形容词可用不定式短语作状语.
   a. 表示某种感情的原因状语,这类形容词主要有:amazed, angry, annoyed, ashamed, bored, delighted, glad, disappointed, embarrassed, excited, happy, pleased, proud, sorry, shocked等,如:
    I am very glad to meet you.

   b. 用在以下结构中表示结果状语:
    too … to (太…不能)
    not /never too … to (不太…能)
    but/only too … to (非常)
    enough … to (足够…能)
    not … enough to (不够…不能)
    so … as to (如此…以至于)
    He is too young to understand such things.
    One is never too old to learn.
    We are only (but) too glad to help you.
    I was foolish enough to accept his offer.
    He is not tall enough to reach the top of the shelf.
    She was so angry as to be unable to speak.











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