Part of Speech
Sentence Patterns
 Course 3 > Grammar > Part of Speeck > Adjective > Countable and Uncountable       │TextExercises
    Exercises:Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct one from the brackets.

  1. She is (too excited, so excited) to say a word. 

  2. He is (too quick, so quick) as to be sure to understand you. 

  3. The rope is (strong, so strong) enough to support two persons. 

  4. It was (too foggy, only too foggy) to see the traffic light. 

  5. The hall is (not big, so big) enough to hold a thousand people. 

  6. She is kind to everyone and is always (right, willing) to help others. 

  7. Since the task is urgent, we are (determined, pleased) to get it down as soon as possible. 

  8. We were (too satisfied, only too satisfied) to see the work done on time. 











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